Citizen Activists Fighting To Recall RINO Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Accuse The Swamp of Infiltrating, Sabotaging Their Petition Campaign
Citizen activists fighting to overthrow Wisconsin’s Assembly Speaker Robin Vos accused the political Swamp of infiltrating and sabotaging their petition campaign. With enough petition signatures, citizens can force a special election this year in Vos’ legislative district. But the Establishment is fighting back in vicious hardball fashion as the temperature rises in the Badger State.
The citizens who comprise the Racine Recall Committee are hoping to gain enough petition signatures by the end of this week to trigger a special recall election in Vos’ 63rd Assembly District. The citizens are scrambling to get a second petition over the goal line after their first petition failed when it was found that some signatures were apparently forged. But here’s where it gets interesting.
At a press conference Monday at the Recall Committee’s headquarters, activists accused Swampy political interests of infiltrating and sabotaging their first petition.
Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, speaking on the Recall Committee’s behalf, said that “I called the Racine Sheriff’s Department, I called the DA’s office. Nobody was interested in hearing about how the first recall effort was the victim of out-of-state saboteurs. And so finally we went to the Milwaukee office of the FBI where we met with agents for two hours, a little over two hours.”
Gableman said that Recall Committee leaders “had everything in written paper form. They had all the evidence laid out including driver’s license, showing the identities of the people who came from Florida, uninvited by the Recall effort. But someone paid for their airfare. Someone paid for their hotel. Someone paid for their food, to come into this first recall effort and sabotage it by filling out forms with names of people who didn’t sign. Oh, magically, that lays the groundwork for Robin to have everybody call the police on anyone who disagrees with him.”
Robin Vos’ side has been circulating propaganda accusing the citizen activists of being possible identity thieves and “out-of-state scam artists,” which has caused distress among some of the local residents as the conflict intensifies.
General Michael Flynn, who served as President Donald Trump’s first White House National Security Adviser, endorsed the recall effort, adding a boost to the citizens’ petition-gathering campaign with just days to go.
Justice Gableman, acting as a special counsel, led the charge to try to investigate widespread allegations of election fraud in Wisconsin during the 2020 election, but Robin Vos fired Gableman, proving Vos’ complicity in Joe Biden’s alleged steal of Wisconsin’s electoral votes.
President Donald Trump’s supporters believe the election was stolen in Milwaukee, and the Republican Establishment did virtually nothing to help Trump in election overtime.
In fact, Robin Vos actually defended Meagan Wolfe, the despised administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC). If the same political machine runs Wisconsin’s election this November, Trump supporters fear that they could witness yet another disputed sandbagging of their candidate President Trump.
The Racine Recall Committee also accuses Vos of crushing a bill that tried to stop China from buying up Wisconsin’s farmland. Though Vos says that the bill simply died in committee, insiders know that Robin Vos wields massive power in the Assembly.
For many years, Wisconsin GOP politics has been run by the so-called “Cheesehead Mafia” fronted by anti-Trumper Paul Ryan and linked closely to the globalist Koch network. Robin Vos, pictured behind Paul Ryan below, is more politically vulnerable than ever before. Can the citizen activists overcome Swamp shenanigans and force Vos out of office? If so, MAGA Nation might be able to breathe a little bit easier when they look at the electoral map this November.